Heartbreak and Lechery

“Heartbreak and Lechery is noir that revels in the grime, exhaustion, and desperation that suffuse the lowest place in America: Florida.” — Capitalisimo, Tooky’s Mag

On sale for 40 percent off this weekend only.


On sale for 45 percent off this weekend only.

The Rule of Wrath

“You tried to replace us, you ghouls, you thugs, you demons. But you have failed. We are still here! You won’t replace us, we will replace you!”

Throwing Dead Pigeons Into Oncoming Traffic

“As your lawyer, I advise no comment. No you can’t use that as a quote.” — Sam Jeens

There's Only Us

“In his debut novella, Craig Langley takes a familiar tale, i.e. the ‘zombie apocalypse,’ and makes it new by letting the reader see all of the terror and mayhem through the eyes of a child.” — Andy Nowicki, author of The Columbine Pilgrim and Muze

On sale for 40 percent off this weekend only.

Throwing Myself Into Oncoming Traffic: An Interview with Charlie Chitty

So there’s this writer named Charlie Chitty. He’s from that country where they write “color” with a “u.” We’ve been publishing his stories and poems since 2018. The kids would say that makes him an “oldhead.” We also published his first chapbook, Everything Fun is...

There’s Only Us Out Now: Buy it for 40% Off Through Sunday

Terror House Press is pleased to announce the release of its 45th book: There's Only Us by Craig Langley. There's Only Us is a horror novel examining social decay, masculinity, and family values through the lens of post-apocalyptic fiction. Craig is the host of The...

Hypnagogia Out Now: Buy it for 40% Off Through May 12

Terror House Press is back, and we're pleased to bring you our latest book, our 44th in nearly five years of operation: Hypnagogia by Romain P.A. Delpeuch. Hypnagogia is a book that is genuinely difficult for me to describe. A meld of prose and poetry, Romain's debut...

Statement on My Absence and the Future of Terror House Press

Given that Terror House has been largely inactive for the past two months, I owe an explanation to everyone as to what has been going on. I intended to publish this on Monday, but I've rewritten this multiple times because I wasn't entirely sure how to word it. For...

Attention Deficit Out Now: Buy it for 50% Off This Weekend Only

Terror House Press is pleased to announce the release of its 43rd book: Attention Deficit by Van Wright. Attention Deficit is a comedic novel about millennial dysfunction, modern relationships, online culture, and filmmaking. Van Wright is a contributor to Terror...