Love Cycles


by Ewa Mazierska

“Do you remember that I always called you ‘Adam?’ I did so without noticing that you were in fact Joseph. The biblical Joseph was helping Maria to look after her child; he was not meant to give her a new life, but only prepare her for a life without him.”

Love Cycles is also available in paperback format. To purchase the paperback edition, click here.

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“Do you remember that I always called you ‘Adam?’ I did so without noticing that you were in fact Joseph. The biblical Joseph was helping Maria to look after her child; he was not meant to give her a new life, but only prepare her for a life without him.”

Love Cycles is a collection of 14 of Ewa Mazierska’s short stories examining relationships in the modern age. Criss-crossing different cultures and social classes, Mazierska’s trenchant prose shines a light on the everyday tragedies of failed marriages, middle-aged romances, sordid affairs, and other cycles of love and loneliness in our world.

“Love Cycles is as rich in details as in its array of characters experiencing the ups and downs of love. Ewa Mazierska’s writing elevates life’s trivialities, giving significance to seemingly simple conversations and interactions and inviting the reader to ponder the relationships in their own lives.” Katherine Emily, Input/Output Enterprises


Love Cycles is also available in paperback format. To purchase the paperback edition, click here.

Product Details

Publication Date: August 12, 2022
Pages: 142
ISBN-13: 978-1-951897-78-9
File Formats: ePub, MOBI, PDF
File Size: 4.51 MB