Heartbreak and Lechery

“Heartbreak and Lechery is noir that revels in the grime, exhaustion, and desperation that suffuse the lowest place in America: Florida.” — Capitalisimo, Tooky’s Mag

On sale for 40 percent off this weekend only.


On sale for 45 percent off this weekend only.

The Rule of Wrath

“You tried to replace us, you ghouls, you thugs, you demons. But you have failed. We are still here! You won’t replace us, we will replace you!”

Throwing Dead Pigeons Into Oncoming Traffic

“As your lawyer, I advise no comment. No you can’t use that as a quote.” — Sam Jeens

There's Only Us

“In his debut novella, Craig Langley takes a familiar tale, i.e. the ‘zombie apocalypse,’ and makes it new by letting the reader see all of the terror and mayhem through the eyes of a child.” — Andy Nowicki, author of The Columbine Pilgrim and Muze

On sale for 40 percent off this weekend only.

Beyond Your Imagination: An Interview with Mencius Moldbugman

Tomorrow, Terror House Press will release its 38th book: Unsqualified Preservations by Mencius Moldbugman, a humor- and horror-themed short story collection examining Internet addiction, social justice, workplace culture, and other topics. Famed for his witty and...